
(nowrarewithoutaqualifyingword)Theredpanda(Ailurusfulgens),asmallraccoon-likeanimalofnortheastAsiawithreddishfurandalong,ringedtail.·( ...,熊貓(Panda),又叫大熊貓(Giantpanda)、貓熊,係中國嘅國寶級野生哺乳動物。同熊、貓一樣屬於食肉目。自從1869年一位法國傳教士第一次同熊貓改學名時叫做「黑白色 ...,Apandaisarareneutralmobthatresidesinjungles.Certainaspectsofapanda'sbehaviorandappearancevarydepe...


(now rare without a qualifying word) The red panda (Ailurus fulgens), a small raccoon-like animal of northeast Asia with reddish fur and a long, ringed tail. · ( ...


熊貓(Panda),又叫大熊貓(Giant panda)、貓熊,係中國嘅國寶級野生哺乳動物。同熊、貓一樣屬於食肉目。自從1869年一位法國傳教士第一次同熊貓改學名時叫做「黑白色 ...

Panda - Minecraft Wiki

A panda is a rare neutral mob that resides in jungles. Certain aspects of a panda's behavior and appearance vary depending on its personality.

Giant panda

Spanish. Ailuropoda melanoleuca. especie de mamífero. panda mayor; oso panda gigante ; Traditional Chinese. 大熊貓. 中國特有的一種珍稀哺乳動物. 大貓熊; 貘 ...

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2018年2月12日 — WelcomeGuest: TWiki is a flexible, powerful, secure, yet simple web-based collaboration platform. Use TWiki to run a project development space, ...

Giant panda

The giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), also known as the panda bear or simply panda, is a bear species endemic to China. It is characterised by its bold ...

Giant panda

big bear cat), also known as panda bear or simply panda, is a bear native to south central China. ... It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black ...

Giant Panda | Animals Wiki

Giant Panda · Asiatic Striped Squirrel • Bengal Tiger • Indian Runner Duck • Marsh Crocodile • Plain Parakeet • Striped Hyena • Tiger Snake · Andrewsarchus ...